Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Recent work, Right Here Right Now

This is the first poster I made for a film called "Right Here Right Now" directed by Shiladitya Bora, a film maker from Assam, based in Ahmedabad, who is also a friend. I got a chance to work as a publicity designer for the film with his team. The film will be by Prime Mover Entertainment.

Join us at our facebook page here to know about the synopsis, crew and other updates.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Loved ones ...

These are som random lines i wrote a few days back wen i was feeling so happy to have the beautiful people around me .. this goes to all my loved ones .. who were always there .. wen i needed them. This is how i feel about them .. this is wat they mean to me. 



they drench you.. 

they drown you

they engulf you

they don't let you go

not that they know...

thats their beauty

the beauty of them.

they stay out of sight

you barely see them

but they exist...

in you

in your thoughts

thats their beauty

the beauty of their presence.

you know when you smile

may be in the air

may be for nothing

but you smile

look at you now

its been so long that you spoke

but you speak

you speak to them

may be in the air

may be for nothing

thats their beauty

the beauty of them.